Thursday, December 12, 2013

We're almost there! -Reflective post!!!

Well this week has gone by pretty fast in my book.  Its been a pretty good one though, at least for me.  Econ is going well and I found out I have an 87 in agl 2!! Super happy about that one.   But back to econ, its goin.  The supreme admin is sick, she probably caught some virus...who knows.  But we are learning more about investments and banking and everything we need to know about it all.  We are just learning all the basics to survive on our own, and know stuff so we don't look stupid later on.  Mainly this week we have learned about personal banking, and the different account, and the pros and cons of them.  We also on thursday learned about different types of insurance, which is also helpful to know a little about.  All together its good, econ is always fun and enjoyable.  But stay tuned till next time for more exciting econ adventures!


Friday, December 6, 2013

Its December!! Reflective blog!!!!

Alright so its now December, crazy right?  Anyways recently in econ we have now moved into personal finance.   We now have the Weserville currency, and more recently we have banking, bank cards, check, statements, bills, paychecks, everything money.  This has been quite interesting, and for some quite eye opening.  We have learned how to balance a checkbook, and how to keep a check register.  Yesterday we had to buy cell phones, and pick out plans.  This again for many including myself was eye opening.  I new smart phones were expensive, but their full retail price is a different story.  Most smart phones full retail price is at least $450 or more.  This is what I didn't see coming.  I did learn though that although TMobile is the best deal, but it has the worst coverage.  Verizon has the best coverage but is the most the expensive and the most contract locking in and binding.  So all in all its been a good week and econ continues to be interesting and engaging and fun as always!
